Simply tout!I like long daylight hours, but I dread the memory that we had 17 days 90F or above in July alone last year. Ugh.Oh, and winter itch! I'll miss that.
I know that statistic seems increible, but Sven said it so it must be true.
I'll miss cold toilet seats, overconfident SUV drivers slipping in the snow, dark days, Christmas mania (e.g. lights from October through March), feeling defacto Canadian, frozen dog shit in odd Louise Bourgeois-esque sculptural piles...ah, so so much.
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Simply tout!
I like long daylight hours, but I dread the memory that we had 17 days 90F or above in July alone last year. Ugh.
Oh, and winter itch! I'll miss that.
I know that statistic seems increible, but Sven said it so it must be true.
I'll miss cold toilet seats, overconfident SUV drivers slipping in the snow, dark days, Christmas mania (e.g. lights from October through March), feeling defacto Canadian, frozen dog shit in odd Louise Bourgeois-esque sculptural piles...
ah, so so much.
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